Bring joy to pets with food! Lefod Taste survey mission explore the source of delicacy and cook each dish with ingenuity in the exclusive happy kitchen. The natural freshness and unique production process fully meet the different nutritional needs of pets, bringing health and daintiness to pets and more happy moments for gathering.
Happy Enjoy享受快乐 认真对待每一种食物,就如认真对待每一刻生活,每一口在唇齿间迸发的美味源自莱福乐味厨房的精工细作,享受美食、享受快乐、享受生活。莱福宠物食品用心烹制每一款食谱,让美食传递宠物对生活的热爱。
We take every food seriously, just as we take every moment of life seriously. Every bite of deliciousness that bursts between our lips and teeth comes from the meticulous work of Lefod Happy Kitchen, enjoying food, enjoying happiness, and enjoying life. Lefod Pet Food cooks every recipe with heart, so that the food convey the pet's love for life.
Nutritional Balance营养均衡 每款莱福食品都将肉类与新鲜果蔬科学合理搭配,营养全面均衡,满足宠物不同生命阶段的日常能量需求。莱福宠物食品不仅缔造鲜香浓郁的美味,更守护着宠物餐盘上的健康和安全。
Each Lefod product is a scientific and reasonable combination of meat and fresh fruits and vegetables, with complete and balanced nutrition to meet the daily energy needs of pets in different life stages. Lefod pet food not only create fresh and rich flavors, but also safeguard the health and safety of pets on their bowls.

To Cats & Dogs对猫狗的承诺 你用尽一生与我们相伴、相随、相爱,我们愿意为你创造美味而营养的食物,助你快乐、健康成长。
You always accompany with us, follow us and love us with all your life. We are willing to create delicious and nutritious food to satisfy and help you grow joyously and robustly.
To Pet People对宠物人的承诺 我们知道猫和狗对您的重要性,它们分享您的快乐、忧伤以及生活中的每个小细节,它们是您生命中重要的朋友,因为我们也是宠物人,莱福和您一样,我们只给朋友优质的选择和温暖的关怀。
We know the importance of cats and dogs for you. They share your happiness, sadness and every detail in your life as they are your good friends. Lefod is also pet people, just like you. We only provide our friends with the best choice and warmest care.